Car ride in Val Genova
Trentino > Car itineraries in Trentino
A trip to the Genova Valley can be enjoyably combined with a visit to the
village of Montagne and its districts of Lariana and Binio. Start at Molveno and
Ponte Arche and go towards Tione. Very soon you come to the turn-off for Ragoli
and then you head for Preore. From Preore turn right and take road no. 53 which
winds uphill as far as Binio (outlying district of Montagne, 1075 m.). Carry on
along the asphalt road (winding and narrow) towards the Daone Pass (1,300 m.). Near Borzago
take the main road for the Rendena Valley. After the bridge in Carisolo turn
left in the direction of the Genova Valley and the Cascate Nardis waterfall (a
walk to the Bedole Refuge, about 3 hours, is recommended). For the return
journey, if you do not wish to go around the Brenta Group, take the classic
route: Pinzolo, Tione, Ponte Arche and Molveno.

Car ride from Molveno to Passo Daone and Val di Genova